Saturday, July 24, 2010

Anne of Green Gables

Welcome to Slightly Bookish! Our book for this month will be Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. We will be meeting at Debby Mitchell's house on August 17th @ 7pm So mark the date on your calendar, and check the book out from the library, borrow from a friend, or buy the book if you think it will be one you'll want for your own library.

I absolutely adore the movie, and, I know it is shocking (with me being a bookworm and all) but I have never read this book! I know, I know, hard to believe. That is why I am so excited about reading it. And if you are wondering about my choice of background theme and text color for the blog at the moment, well, I have the green for Green Gables, the ivy adds a nice touch of nature, and the orange is due to Gilbert's term of endearment for Anne; carrots! Gotta love that one.

Anyway, I will be changing the background each month to try and match it with the theme of the book we will be reading. Pretty awesome, huh? I thought it would be fun and that way you won't be looking at the same old boring background. And you'll never know what I'll have in store for you. :)

So, get a copy of the book if you can and get to reading! :)


  1. Good thinkin' on the themed background! Love that idea.

  2. I have read the book and I'm sure you will enjoy it.

    The reason I mentioned To Kill a Mocking Bird is that it is celibrating it's 50th year this year. It is very good also.

  3. Maybe we can do To Kill a Mockingbird next???
