Monday, April 4, 2011

Great books!

Hi ladies, I just finished two books that I loved. Here is a bit from each:
"At first, Henry had to listen to Denny grumble about being caught, getting kicked off flag duty and being cornered into working in the kitchen--forced to do the work of a Japanese girl. But when the lunch bell rang and hungry kids rolled in, Denny's attitude changed as they smiled and chatted him up. They all wanted him to serve them, holding back their trays, leering suspiciously at Henry as they passed. To them, Henry thought, we're at war and I'm the enemy."
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. The other one is Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman. I already returned it to the library but it is about a 12-year-old girl who has a dysfunctional family and ends up living with a great aunt in Georgia and how she comes to accept who she is. I really enjoyed it and think you would too!

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