" All literate individuals possess and use many different skills. Readers and writers develop literacy and learn to use skills by having many successful reading and writing experiences and by being given instruction with strategies and skills that will help them move forward in their literacy development. The process is much like learning to play the piano. You learn your first little piece. You play it over and over, and in the process you develop 'fluency.' You are then taught a new chord, key signature, or rhythmic pattern (one that you lack or are unable to use.) Once you learn the new 'skill', you can learn new pieces. "
Literacy Assessment Helping Teachers Plan Instruction by J. David Cooper and Nancy D. Kiger. page 12.
Ok, I know most of you will not be interested in this book, but it is what I am rereading and enjoying at the moment. This is the text I use in the Literacy Assessment course I teach in the MAT program at SMCM.
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